General Discussion

Forum Thread: Old app on Xperia Tablet

I'm using Outlook Express on my Sony Xperia Tablet. Today at opening Inbox, I've got Outlook Express could not open this folder. I launched built-in inbox.dbx repair tool, but it even returned my messages on a half. After some efforts, I decided to ask here, what to do?

Forum Thread: My image on tablet

I have installed Adobe Illustrator that can't open my AI file. Because it opens with message "Not enough memory to open illustration". I've no idea what happened. But I hope, that some of dear users, might help. I'm using iPad Air.

Forum Thread: MY SAMSUNG

Hi,i just bought my samsung galaxy tab 8.9 P7300 from china which my supplier told me that it supports sim card with phone calling but the problem right now is that the tablet is not reading any sim card all it shows is insert sim and no network so can a brand new tablet do this or do i have to install any app for it to read sim. Please i need urgent reply

Forum Thread: Sony Tablet Fas Not the Master Resset.

Personnel need help. I live in Brazil and I have a tablet model Sony SGPT112US / S. When I call him, he is only the Sony logo. When I try to do the master reset does not work. Is there any other way to reistalar the OS it? I've been in several assists and they just tell me that you need to replace the motherboard, only that it will cost $ 300.00 dollars. Does anyone know of any other way to reinstall android it via usb cable? I thank the attention.

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