How To: Use a Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader outside the US

Use a Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader outside the US

The Nook from Barnes and Noble is a revolutionary new e-reader. Not only is the Nook slim, useful and touch screen, it is also the most inexpensive one on the market. This colorful, customizable reader is great anywhere in America, but what about if you live elsewhere?

If you live in another part of the world and would like to purchase and use a Nook, check out this two part tutorial. In this clip, you will get a hands-on demonstration of how the Nook works and what features you can or can not use in other parts of the world. Follow along and set up your Nook internationally to take advantage of all this reader has to offer.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Use a Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader outside the US, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Use a Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader outside the US

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