News: The Future of Touchscreen Is Kinda Like Having Lots of Acid Flashbacks

The Future of Touchscreen Is Kinda Like Having Lots of Acid Flashbacks

Swedish interface geeks The Astonishing Tribe predict what kind of touchscreen technology we'll be using in 2014 (that would be approximately 3 years, 4 months from today):

Eek, that first movement that occurs around 0:25 (he pulls the screen to the right, extending it's width) is trippy. In a great way. The Astonishing Tribe says:

"Screen technology is now taking the next leap and the coming years imagination is the only thing stopping us. We will soon have dual screens, malleable screens, screens built into wifi connected mirrors, desks or backside of gadgets clothed with e-ink screens, tactile feedback, color screens with great contrast in sunlight, holographics/stereoscopic screens, color e-ink touch screens, or screens actually knowing where they are in relation to other screens thanks to ultrasonic emitters and microphones."

I'm on the edge of my seat!

Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:

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