News: Sock + Pencil = Super Cheap DIY iPhone/iPad Stylus

Sock + Pencil = Super Cheap DIY iPhone/iPad Stylus

Looking for a cheap & easy stylus (but not interested in using processed pork?) Adam Kumpf of design firm Teague demonstrates how to make a DIY soft conductive stylus for the iPhone, iPad, or any device with a capacitive touch screen. All it takes is a pencil and sock. Yes, it's that easy.

"We've been experimenting with conductive foams and fabrics in search of a middle ground. Fortunately, it's quite easy to make a soft, conductive writing tool using some pretty basic materials. All you need is a pencil, an anti-static sock (such as this one, with X-Static in the foot area which contains conductive silver thread), and some patience to cut and sew it all together."

Click through for the Instructable.

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1 Comment

I love this. I was getting annoyed that people were leaving off the stylus off tablets altogether, when I think that's one of the major reasons to get one - you can draw and scribble like you would on a notepad!

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