It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook Reader shows the clandestine web browser on the Simple Touch Reader in the video below, and it's fairly easy to access. Just open up the Nook's search function, type a URL into the search bar and hit the go button. It's that simple.
Browsing and displaying your music library on the iPad is a cinch with Apple's iPod app. But by no means would it be considered exciting. Thankfully, there's another option for sorting and playing your iTunes library. It's a unique iPad-only application for those of us who want something more visually stimulating, something otherworldly—something galactic.
The iPad has established itself as "the" tablet computer for gadgeteers on the go. But Google is giving Apple a run for their money as Android tablets improve with each new release. Motorola XOOM and Samsung Galaxy are among the top dogs competing against the iPad, along with another from ASUS, which just became available yesterday in the United States—selling out in mere minutes.
Perhaps the greatest iPad accessory released thus far, presenting the JOYSTICK-IT, an attachable arcade stick to make the most of your iPad x arcade gaming experience. Sorry guys, this one isn't a DIY. Available at ThinkGeek for $24.99.
Swedish interface geeks The Astonishing Tribe predict what kind of touchscreen technology we'll be using in 2014 (that would be approximately 3 years, 4 months from today):
Representational painting requires great skill and practice. The best examples aptly capture light, breathing life into the work. Accurate proportion and perspective is an asset. Matching what you perceive as the correct color to what actually is the correct color requires a highly trained eye.
Another celebrity talent embraces iCulture. We know Lang Lang is the international piano rage. But allow me to make a pedestrian observation. He craves attention like a young Liberace. So, no great surprise that he would integrate an iPad into his sold out performance in San Francisco just this month. Steve Jobs has gotta be proud and beaming.
You may know British artist David Hockney, famous for his Splash paintings and photo collages (pictured below). But did you also know Hockney is a huge Apple enthusiast?
Looking for a cheap & easy stylus (but not interested in using processed pork?) Adam Kumpf of design firm Teague demonstrates how to make a DIY soft conductive stylus for the iPhone, iPad, or any device with a capacitive touch screen. All it takes is a pencil and sock. Yes, it's that easy.
Before you go running off to the Apple store, you may want to educate yourself. DVICE is kind enough to compile the 20 biggest complaints about the iPad from a whole slew of reviewers.